The quality of “restaurant” and the quality restaurants”

The quality of "restaurant" and the quality restaurants


On the one hand, we are presented with events related to catering, TV shows and reports describing the world of catering such as the work of background, perfection, the choice of fresh produce, home-made food, craftsmanship, and good taste. And on the other side we are presented with the restoration as a world of concealment, deception, profit-seeking, american bar hong kong   massive use of industrial products, even deplorable hygienic conditions, in short not very pretty. But many topics collide as soon as one starts talking about restaurants and lead to a radicalization of the speeches and to a strong confusion of the kinds

A restaurant with quality products

Talking about quality restaurants allows you to enter the world of feeling, the subjective, to see intolerance. We can define a quality restaurant in a thousand and one ways. For some, what will count is the taste of the dishes, for others, it will be the presentation, for some, it will be the decor, the reception or the decoration or the cleanliness of the toilets or the price or the fact-house or the reassuring side of dishes or something. The numbers of guides who list restaurants of “quality” are not lacking.

If we understand correctly, the “quality” restaurants of the Culinary College (as their name suggests) are intended to identify the so-called quality restaurants on a set of criteria, one of the main criteria is the “home-made” .

(The process may seem strange, Mr. Ducasse and these 15 grand chiefs affirm on the one hand that a restaurant is of quality if it practices the homemade and on the other hand participate directly or indirectly in the elaboration or the promotion of industrial dishes for restaurants)

For us Restaurants cocktail bar tst That Make It To Eat, it’s a problem and a mistake.

The mistake of wanting to associate the word “quality” (ie, “above average”) with “home-made”

Indeed the fact-home is not necessarily a guarantee of “superiority” compared to industrial dishes and in best catering services, it is a question of choice.

A homemade dish can:

  • To be bad (in taste) to see very bad.
  • To be very badly seasoned.
  • To be overcooked or not cooked enough.
  • Be cooked with poor quality products.
  • To be cooked with products with doubtful traceability.
  • Be cooked with products (fresh or frozen) that are out of date or not consumable
  • Being dangerous to your health

But this is not a sufficient reason to declare as a form of absolute truth that the homemade dish would necessarily be of better quality than the industrial dish.

In our opinion, one of the dangers of the industry is that it can produce more and more dishes of excellent quality and that this can encourage more and more restaurants to switch from home-made to home-made.

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