Prepare your property for winter with the ultimate fall maintenance guide

Prepare your property for winter with the ultimate fall maintenance guide


“Time flies and soon we’ll witness a blanket of auburn, crisp leaves and change in foliage features due to approaching fall season. Property managers are probably preparing to safeguard the real estate units by putting away summer furniture and even closing down the pools.”

But when actually looking at the fall maintenance checklist, it comes with a punch of tasks that you’ve been saving all for the vendors. To avoid any such inconvenience, check out the essential fall maintenance list that also complements to all climates and regions as well as how to get the job done in time with perfection.

Prepare your property for winter with the ultimate fall maintenance guide

The cold & snowy regions

In many different parts of the world, fall season arrives as early as late September with snowfall prompting real estate managers to take precautionary measures since temperature can dropdown to sub-zero level.

Clean the gutters

It’s obvious of the leaves and other debris to creep into the sewers and gutters which clogs them. Water from melting snow this way is trapped at the roof’s edge rather than sliding down the drain and when it refreezes due to frosty temperature, the ice build-up can crack the roofs and damage the seams in between the walls.

Pest infiltration

In cold winter months, a whole host of creatures and creepy critters seek shelter from the rough temperature which makes your cosy, warm property just the perfect sanctuary. Mice, rats, spiders, cockroaches, squirrels and racoons can easily find their way in through the smaller gaps in the basement and walls.

To avoid any such surprises, walk around the gated community living project and identify places from where they can creep inside. Do remember that a mouse can easily fit in through a hole the size of a pencil. All of this makes it important to set traps in the crawl spaces and basement as well as talking to an exterminator about pest prevention.

Check the chimneys & HVAC

In case your HVAC inspection is due, delaying it unnecessarily is unwise. Emergency furnace repairs and mending other winter-critical elements that may go off would prove costly; not to mention all the discomfort and danger. Be sure the chimneys have been inspected and cleaned as creosote build-up can trigger chimney fire. With that, broken chimney covers welcome those creepy crawlies we mentioned above so have them repaired as well.

Winterise the plumbing

Do insulate water pipes at exterior of the gated community living units and winterise the outdoor plumbing too. Detach outdoor hoses and store them for the winter, fill any gaps around the plugs and drain them if they’ve a separate water supply; else wrap them with insulation till spring season the other year.

Check the shingles

Flashing or loose shingles can lead to bigger leaks during the winter so make sure they’re properly secured and replaced in case you find any broken or missing the tiling. Carefully evaluate the chimney and vents for possible cracks and gaps. Remember that sun can melt the snow on your roof which slithers the water down into any cracks.

If yours is a flat roof, put away all the unnecessary stuff and clean everything that shouldn’t be up there that includes lawn furniture and possible debris from the rowdy residents or through equipment stowed away temporarily. These things can puncture the rood and trigger a leak which causes a bigger damage if not dealt with on time.

Heating System Review

Be sure to change the air filter in your boiler and check its efficiency before the cold weather starts. Call an HVAC contractor to check the heating power and adjust the system. This technician can also check and correct carbon monoxide levels, possibly dangerous, generated by your heating system. Store several winter air filters and change them every month. If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, buy one to help you reduce your energy costs.

After your boiler has been adjusted for maximum efficiency, take a moment to inspect your ducts for heating and ventilation. Clean them up and remove anything that may have entered during the summer. Then, check the windows to see if there are leaks that could compromise the efficiency of your heating. If you feel cold air coming in, buy a plastic sealing kit from the hardware store and place the plastic around the window to prevent heat from escaping. Be sure to also check your doors, and fix their weatherstrips if necessary.

Clear the dead branches & brush

Move around the Dubai property and look for overgrown foliage and dead branches that can block the pathways. Clean all the clinging plants that might’ve been dangling from the walls or layering the steps; both of which can compromise integrity of the property and allow the water to flow in rendering further damage.

Also eye for branches growing too close to the development as well as dead trees anywhere on the property and have these cleaned up immediately. During a storm, the debris can hurl and cause damage to the buildings, injuring anyone in the path.

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